
De je vou all over again

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In the next four years, we're going to see a lot of dejá vu all over again.

But in one of Yogi Bera's lesser-known comments, he said,

Oui, mais pourtant c'est important!

(Yes, but nonetheless it is important!)

This is sometimes rendered as,

"Yes, but it is important all over again". Yogi wasn't known for his command of French. This may be closer to what he was trying to say.

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As always well done an awesome work and I appreciate your words n guidance. God bless you james- fondly joy

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I agree with Joy. Keep on pounding on that keyboard saying what needs to be said. Also. Send those opinions to more editors on line and in print.

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Don't ever give up James!!! Know I support all you do and pray 🙏 this world will someday see the TRUTH when it's spoken done or revealed. Fondly joy

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Wow, one of if not your best articles to date. Send this to all newspapers editors.

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Well said - thanks James - I appreciate you -praying all is well joy

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One of your best articles that should be in major editorial papers across the USA and beyond.

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Great article james-can only pray for right n good to prevail. Thanks for your insights n the truth. Praying all is well with you- fondly joy

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Good overview of our political/societal situation. Now sure about the "what if" ending except your desire to motivate anyone doubtful about voting this time around.

Looking forward to your book being published!

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Praying 🙏 you are doing well James - I always appreciate your insights n timely guidance. Fondly joy d beeson

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Great article as always- thanks for your guidance and words of knowledge n wisdom. I appreciate you. Hope all is well fondly joy

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Great alternative idea,- praying folks listen n learn- thanks for your awesome comments - hope all is well with you joy

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A bold choice...l don't think the Democrats are that organized and too fearful to make bold choices.

If Joe doesn't step back then we may have a new fascist leader .

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One of your better articles. Needs wide distribution asap.

I look forward to the follow up article.

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Your voice is important and I hope is of greater influence than you may ever know.

Keep upbthe good, honest, challenging work.

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Thanks, Michael. It means a lot, coming from you.

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This article is a good one. I think you are looking at the dark side of the coin but showing us the dark side is both instructive and hopefully motivating.

I would like to be reading this in the editorials of major newspapers where it would bet lots of comments and make some people think for a minute or two.

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Well, I am looking at what I see. If it's on the dark side, that's because as someone who has followed things very carefully for years, that is what I see.

Not to compare myself to Churchill, but that is the same criticism so often directed at him in the 1930's and up until May 10, 1940, when he became Prime Minister.

We are naive. Like sheep. Hope is important, but a weak basis to build your entire defense of Western civilization on. There's too much history that shows that things do not always work out well.

There are, nonetheless, some hopeful signs, with the Brits and the French beginning to break through Biden's self-defeating strategy of enforcing Putin's "red lines". Allowing Ukraine to attack targets in Russia has the potential to change the course of the war.

Biden and America are bringing up the rear. They have no goal of or strategy &or victory.

Trump is another story. We are at the mercy of mass political opinions in a country where half or more of the country have no memory and are willing to vote for a fascist leader who heads a large and powerful fascist movement.

My advice: ACT!


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