Great article as always- thanks for your guidance and words of knowledge n wisdom. I appreciate you. Hope all is well fondly joy

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Great alternative idea,- praying folks listen n learn- thanks for your awesome comments - hope all is well with you joy

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A bold choice...l don't think the Democrats are that organized and too fearful to make bold choices.

If Joe doesn't step back then we may have a new fascist leader .

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One of your better articles. Needs wide distribution asap.

I look forward to the follow up article.

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Your voice is important and I hope is of greater influence than you may ever know.

Keep upbthe good, honest, challenging work.

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Thanks, Michael. It means a lot, coming from you.

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This article is a good one. I think you are looking at the dark side of the coin but showing us the dark side is both instructive and hopefully motivating.

I would like to be reading this in the editorials of major newspapers where it would bet lots of comments and make some people think for a minute or two.

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Well, I am looking at what I see. If it's on the dark side, that's because as someone who has followed things very carefully for years, that is what I see.

Not to compare myself to Churchill, but that is the same criticism so often directed at him in the 1930's and up until May 10, 1940, when he became Prime Minister.

We are naive. Like sheep. Hope is important, but a weak basis to build your entire defense of Western civilization on. There's too much history that shows that things do not always work out well.

There are, nonetheless, some hopeful signs, with the Brits and the French beginning to break through Biden's self-defeating strategy of enforcing Putin's "red lines". Allowing Ukraine to attack targets in Russia has the potential to change the course of the war.

Biden and America are bringing up the rear. They have no goal of or strategy &or victory.

Trump is another story. We are at the mercy of mass political opinions in a country where half or more of the country have no memory and are willing to vote for a fascist leader who heads a large and powerful fascist movement.

My advice: ACT!


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Good article that I should be reading inbthe NYTimes or WPost.

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Thanks, Michael.

Comments are rare. I particularly appreciate yours. Writers need feedback, whether good or bad.


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Very clear and important article. Needs to be seen in major papers.asap.

Good reporting, concise, and positive in approach to this complicated issue.

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I'm a little confused by this article. It seems you are translating from a book written in 1942?

You are making the point that a real war is now coming for us all starting in Ukraine and so on?

You don't say why this is true or how it is true. And you left out the point that you have made inbthe past that Putin aims to destroy international lawwhich would possibly make the UN useless.

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Thanks for your comment, Michael.

I have added a few words to clarify that the translation is from my article, cited in the footnote.

This column shares with readers my opinion, as I follow the European press closely.

Macron's suggestion we may have to send troops to Ukraine is a wake-up call for Europeans. Macron has doubled down on his comment, suggesting that France has the power to carry out operations, where Germany may not.

The situation on the battlefield is dire, as those who are following events closely understand. France and other countries, particularly the Baltics and in Eastern and Central Europe, are paying close attention.

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Good information.

It seems Israel cannot win in such a case. Yet, they will ignore the outcome. Then what happens?

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9Author

It will change how other nations and their voting populations view Israel.

In 1986 the International Court of Justice condemned the United States for its violations of Nicaraguan sovereignty. The U.S did not participate in the Merits phase of the proceedings, and ignored the judgment on the merits of the Court.

Nonetheless, the ICJ decision affected political opinion in the U.S. and other countries. House Leader Rep. Jim Wright (Dem-TX) played an important role in curtailing funding for the contras. In Central America President Roberto Arias of Costa Rica launched the Contadora Process which led to a peace agreement in 1987.

The judgment on the merits in the South African case could significantly affect domestic politics in Israel. Many Israelis may feel great shame if the Court finds Israel guilty of genocide.

Moreover, in the interim before the judgment on the merits is issued Israel may moderate its tactics in the conduct of the war, in order to present a better face to the Court.

The influence of international law is often subtle and indirect, just as the Constitution and the laws may indirectly affect support for the insurrectionists and for Trump among voters in November 2024.

The Court's decision is likely to also reaffirm the basic norms pf International Humanitarian Law. Authoritative reaffirmation of fundamental legal norms is particularly important when they are blatantly violated.

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Great response.

That should be part of the original document.fix it then send it out.

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It seems simple. I believe Trump to be guilty of treason. But unfortunately he has not had his day on court.

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5Author

Thanks for your comment, Michael.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment applies to those eho "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the (U.S.) or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof." Shibboleths like "everyone has a right to his day in court" depend on context to be true. Slaveholders did not have a right to a day in court before slaves became free under the 13th Amendment.

Nonetheless, in fact in the Colorado judicial proceedings Trump did have his day in court. And he will in Maine as well, though he already did have a chance to participate in an administrative proceeding prior to the Secretary of State's ruling that he was ineligible to be on the ballot.

It's a simple matter of applying the plain language of the Constitution. In banana republics, there are endless arguments about why the plain text of the law should not be applied. Are we becoming a banana republic?

Courts and judges must be courageous and overcome any fear they may have of the violent reactions of Trump's supporters.

Sometimes the rule of law comes down to black and white, not the endless speculations of commentators on the cable news programs.

It may come down to "Gunfight at the OK Corral".

Abraham Lincoln faced that, and upheld the Constitution. Do we have the courage to do the same?

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Merry Christmas

And thank you fou the poem/prayer

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I would rather read your summation of that 10 year old post and a commentary of where we stand today in relation to that dark past episode.

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Thanks, Micjael, for your comment.

Yes, I uderstand.

But I want to take you back to that moment, and not only to understand it intellectually and analytically, but also to feel its immediacy and the moral call to action. By you, and by other readers

I eant you to grasp the situation viscerally. I want my readers to be not only spectators but actors.

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This article should be published in a magazine that does longer articles. I would like to see a 750 word version that could be sent to editors everywhere.

Nice work!

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Fine article. Send it out. A follow up article how the middle east conflict is also threatening the world order might be appropriate.

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I understand why you continue to post the same info. It seems no one is really paying attention.

Even you have offered ideas on how to move forward seems futile.

But keep on keeping on!

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